My upcoming book, The Meaning of Singleness, will be published by InterVarsity Press on May 9, 2023. In the lead up to its release, I’m sharing a short weekly excerpt, chapter by chapter.
You can pre-order or see more information about the book (including its full contents page, endorsements & a free sample chapter) here.
Chapter Ten: Continuing the Conversation
“I have invited you to join with me in imagining a theology of singleness for the meanwhile to be like a tapestry in the making. An accurate telling of time acts as the indispensable longitudinal warp whose tension provides the project with its necessary structural integrity. Various threads of theological retrieval are then gently teased apart before they are wefted over and under, around and above that foundational warp. As the individual strands slowly, but surely come together as part of an integrated whole, a form begins to take shape.
And yet, the masterpiece remains incomplete. There is still much work to be done. Still more threads of weft to be interwoven. Still more detail to be envisioned and applied. Still more artisans whose collaborative skills are required for the task at hand. That is to say, what I have proposed herein is only the beginning of a (re)discovery of singleness’ meaning.
As such, this conversation now concludes with the consideration of a number of reforming and reinforcing insights that will prove vital to the fostering of an ongoing one. Or, in keeping with our metaphor, this final chapter offers some important textural guidance for the ongoing crafting of a comprehensively biblical, theologically faithful, and pastorally nourishing tapestry of Christian singleness for the contemporary church.”
I'm hoping to contribute just a small design element to the tapestry, Dani -- ETS just accepted my paper proposal! Looking forward to meeting you at the conference!