Thank you Danni. I appreciate your perspective.

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Thank you Dani! This is refreshing - there are too few responses and too little pushback against Doug Wilson's theology on singleness, sexuality and marriage, a lot of which is harmful (and I've witnessed the tragic effects it's had on a marriage).

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Thank you for this post and the series of posts your put out on celibacy! The brief summary of the history of interpretation was very helpful.

I'm currently serving in ministry as a single man in my upper 20s, about to graduate from seminary (I'm in the middle of my final class!), so this topic is one of interest to me. Do you happen to have any articles you'd recommend which address the 1 Corinthians and Matthew passages in detailed exegesis?

Thanks again!


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Thank you Dani! This is refreshing - there are too few responses and too little pushback against Doug Wilson's theology on singleness, sexuality and marriage, a lot of which is harmful (and I've witnessed the tragic effects it's had on a marriage).

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Do you have a repsonse to Doug's latest: https://youtu.be/I1NLEfAmwVk?

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Danielle, you talk about your academic qualifications like they are your children.

What a tragedy your life is.

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How do you measure a life? The stuff you have? The family you have? I can assure you that Danielle’s life has had its ups and downs like most peoples but she certainly does not live a tragedy. She has joy from knowing Jesus, she deeply cares for those she ministers with and uses her skill in academia to call people out for discrimination.

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Goodness. I'm far from perfect, but regardless of what else you've said your second line is simply flat disobedience to Jesus (Ephesians 4:29 if anyone really needs a verse to 'prove' that this is so).

I don't know you (obviously!) but could I humbly suggest that if Christ is your lord that you consider retracting it in love and obedience to Him?

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I wouldn’t mind a few such children. Mine are not nearly as interesting.

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