While it may seem like fairyland we must always remember that genesis 3 has intervened. The thing that destroys marriages quicker than anything else is selfishness and self-centredness. I have been amazed I’ve been amazed over the years how in giid and loveing marriages the couple begin to think and act alike even anticipation each other’s needs even the words the words they are about to speak. Jesus did say “they are no longer two but one.”

When my wife died and I touched her hand just feel a slight warmth it like someone had cut me in half. The pain went from my head right down through my body and is was physical pain.

We live a fallen world that is two individualistic. Sometimes considering what might be a fairyland image can remind us that we are call in marriage to be so bound together that we should see ourselves as one. We are also called to be one with Christ.

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Thanks Dani. I'm with you! I'm wondering... have you reached out to Tim Challies and shared your thoughts? Would be keen to know how he responds!

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Hey Ben - good question. The answer is no, I haven’t reached out to him about that particular article. I’d be happy to in theory, but I’ve tried reaching out to him a couple of times about something else (click the “again” link in the text above for more info) and received no response at all. So on that basis I’m not really inclined to try again.

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I think the extended quote is creepy. It makes me think of abusive relationships and surveillance and control. Ugh.

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