Wonderful article, I’m so incredibly sorry that you’ve been made to feel invisible. When my wife and I got married we were heartbroken to find that our single friends assumed that they might not see us anymore, or that we would be less likely to invite them round. We had an “open-blind” policy, which meant that if our blinds on the front…
Wonderful article, I’m so incredibly sorry that you’ve been made to feel invisible. When my wife and I got married we were heartbroken to find that our single friends assumed that they might not see us anymore, or that we would be less likely to invite them round. We had an “open-blind” policy, which meant that if our blinds on the front end of the house were open, anyone could knock on the window and come in for food, company, silence, discipleship, advice, books, etc. 99% of the people who came through our door were single, I hope in our small way we helped to make sure they didn’t feel invisible.
Thanks so much brother :) In God's kindness, I've rarely felt personally invisible in the churches and relationships I've been a part of. But I know that my story is not the usual one. The vast majority of singles have had much more distressing experiences and these anecdotal stories are given further weight by what the evangelical discourse itself so often has to say on singleness.
Thank your for loving all your friends - single and married - so thoughtfully and intentionally :)
Wonderful article, I’m so incredibly sorry that you’ve been made to feel invisible. When my wife and I got married we were heartbroken to find that our single friends assumed that they might not see us anymore, or that we would be less likely to invite them round. We had an “open-blind” policy, which meant that if our blinds on the front end of the house were open, anyone could knock on the window and come in for food, company, silence, discipleship, advice, books, etc. 99% of the people who came through our door were single, I hope in our small way we helped to make sure they didn’t feel invisible.
Thanks so much brother :) In God's kindness, I've rarely felt personally invisible in the churches and relationships I've been a part of. But I know that my story is not the usual one. The vast majority of singles have had much more distressing experiences and these anecdotal stories are given further weight by what the evangelical discourse itself so often has to say on singleness.
Thank your for loving all your friends - single and married - so thoughtfully and intentionally :)
*We decided, therefore, to have an “open-blind...”