Amen. Preach it, Sister!

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Hi Dani, above the section titled "A case study in non-conformity, but not transformation", you wrote, "It is not enough to be conformed to the patterns of this world. We must also be transformed by the gospel-shaped, gospel-powered renewal of our minds."

There seems to be a typo there. Did you mean to write, ""It is not enough NOT to be conformed to the patterns of this world. [...]"?

Thanks for writing this (as usual) very insightful article.

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Thanks for spotting that typo Alex. I've fixed it now :)

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>>"In every other arena—especially in the LGBTQ/same-sex attraction arena—evangelicals are enthusiastic in their pushback against the authority of lived experience"<<

Tell me please, is this a case of such pushback?: https://www.barneys.org.au/talks/rachel-gilson-interview/

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Which women’s conf Dani? I’d like to hear your talks…

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Renew, in the Hunter Valley.

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Heh, my pastor (conservative Presbyterian) told me in conversation about the kerfuffle over Butker (without offering any overt endorsement of what Butker said, just indicating that he said a lot of things that violated progressive orthodoxies), so I looked into it. A lot of my sentiments about the speech are basically less fleshed-out versions of what you wrote, Dani -- especially the line about life truly beginning when one becomes a wife and mother(!). I've shared this post with my pastor. :)

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